

Lies Can you help us out?

Dear Lies
We've recently launched our influencer platform for hugely successful influencers like yourself, and we would love you to check it out and let us know if there is anything we are missing or could be doing better, it's totally free to be profiled plus as a thank you for your feedback, we would like you to try the actual platform out for FREE here, using code HANDBOOK
Here's what it does …
  1. Puts your profile in front of 23,300 brands for commercial opportunities
  2. Allows you to see your full audience insights, so who your audience is, what their interests are, where they live, demographic break down, age and location.
  3. Your competitor insights, yes literally you might think you know who they are, but this data is super advanced and will give you the latest intelligence data on this.
  4. The brands your competitors are working with
  5. Your engagement across social platforms daily, weekly, monthly and a break down
  6. Full social media break down and reports, giving you better, clearer insight
  7. Average engagement per post and how it compares to your competitors

Why do you need this?
Because knowledge is power, and the more you know about your audience and your engagement, the more information you have to send to potential brands.
Never miss an opportunity to make money from brand partnerships again.
Use code HANDBOOK for FREE access
Best wishes,

CEO of the Handbook
Phone: +44 (0)20 3021 0899 


Try it this month, Just £5 Trial

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Lies Can you help us out? Lies Can you help us out? Reviewed by Unknown on October 28, 2021 Rating: 5

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